我看了这篇文章的全文,作者对文章中举办画作展览的艺术家Wittwer(出生于1954年的一个画家),最后持有严重怀疑态度。因为从他的很多画作中都能联想到以往一些老艺术家非常有名的作品。你这里的英文只是截取了全文的一部分,后一部分文章作者说,在看Wittwer的作品展出,刚开始在场欣赏的人都感觉不错,但后来所有欣赏作品人都对Wittwer的作品产生了严重的怀疑。他抄袭别人的作品。我们看这篇文章的立场开始就不对,难怪会觉得比较难。(我开始也一头雾水 )
wittwer展示作品主要根据1935年到1945年东部的普鲁士的一些照片而创作的。 作品描绘了在苏联军队占领以前当地的中产阶级看似田园诗意般的生活,这些中产阶级当中不乏纳粹党的党员。
这次展出有一些作品,这些作品明显没给出参考了其他艺术家的作品的出处(如果是灵感来自什么名作,要给出出处,才算诚实)但是这些作品都最终都能我们让我们想到某些艺术家名作。比如这个作品”Grosse Waldtreppe“里,一个平庸的女人在东部普鲁士的一个森林里走下台阶,让我们想到了Richter(1932--德国画家) and Duchamp(1887-1968法国画家)的名作"Nude Descending a Staircase",又如”Got negativ“里,一个人划着船到了Königsberg (Kalingrad)这个地方『Kaliningrad是普鲁士的一个城市原名叫Königsberg』,也让我们想起了Böcklin的名作"Isle of the Dead"(Böcklin 1827-1901 瑞士画家)
It's widely accepted that sleep plays a significant part for our human beings ,and what's more,a lot of attention is being drawn to the sleep of our young teenagers.Many of the youngs is thought to be sleep late to play computers and results some schools cutting off the electricity in the dormitory after midnight.However, whether the schools should do this,people's ideas vary.
On the one hand ,some people hold the view that it really do good to students' day study,as the earlier they sleep ,the better spirit they will have ,young teenagers themselves suerly do not have a good selfcontrol ,which as a result ,needs to be managed by the efforts of schools.On the other hand,a great many of people insist that it undoubtly set an limit to the students' daily life ,and force them to develop what they like according to their own schele.
From my perspective ,however,we students have already grown up ,and we have our own judgement to clarify what's right and what's wrong ,and we also have the right to live by our own way and own experience ,even by our own mistakes ,that's to say ,how can we learn to walk as the alts even not give us the chance to fall.So it just needs time to let us realize how importance the sleep is ,then we will do it willing not by force .And it's also the best way to promote the understanding between schools and students.