




  是泽野弘之的《X.U.| scaPEGoat》。
I don’t want nobody to get killed
  I’ll come and get you
I am always ready to fight
So don’t take all of the blame we were all swept away
Don't take all of the weight you always do
There will always be something you cannot control
We will overcome.Your salvation has begun

  No signs
No lights, such a mess all over
Don’t kill your hopes
You make me realize who I need

  I’ll be there hold on
They'll change you somehow
So where are you now?
I’ll reach you by dawn
  Before you can be turned
Illusions are torn
The fallen angels you run with don't know
It is our pain that makes us all human after all
Warm old sepia photographs show
Our fragile precious world
Must protect it,respond to the call

  Are they really deep inside your head
Do they control you like a little marionette
I'll cut the strings off you dead.Come in with me
Let me free your wings of your soul.Can make it fly
We've been waiting here just to make you whole again
No more hating see I have always been your friends

  No signs
No lights, such a mess all over
Don’t kill your hopes
You make me realize who I need

  I’ll be there hold on
They'll change you somehow
So where are you now?
I’ll reach you by dawn
The shadows appear,illusions are born
The fallen angels you run with don't know
It is our pain that makes us all human after all
Torn old sepia photographs show
Our fragile precious world
Must discard it,respond to the call

  If you wanna fight with me
Then go ahead fight with me
Cos all I wanna do is help you man
You will be the death of me
The power of our army has been cut with a scythe
And if we lose you to them we may never survive
You can leave but you must first believe
Just one step at a time and keep your head up boy and

  新连载在2012年9月4日集英社旗下漫画杂志月刊《JUMP SQUARE》〖ジャンプスクエア〗(集英社)2012年10月号上的作品 。2013年1月4日该作品的漫画、小说的単行本第1卷各自同时发售。亦有广播剧及TV动画制作。


  “呐,红莲。*之后我们也能一直在一起吗?”在世界即将灭亡,地上被吸血鬼支配前的最后一个春天。15岁的一濑红莲进入了《终结的炽天使》涩谷的咒术师养成学校。在学校就读的学生都是咒术世界名门家系的精英后代。低微分家身份出身的红莲,一边怀抱着远大的野心,一边过着被嘲笑为渣滓的日子…… ——————引自小说版
  打着人类世界最后的故事之旗号,描绘了某一天因未知病毒的肆虐,人类面临着灭亡的窘境。此时,只有13岁以下的孩子们不会被病毒所感染,而这些孩子被从地下都市出现的吸血鬼所囚禁,并作为血液的供方用于饲养家畜。两位主人公——百夜优一郎和百夜米迦尔试图逃离,结果只有前者逃脱,后者则因濒死之际喝下了吸血鬼的血而成为了吸血鬼。为了替米迦尔报仇,对于吸血鬼有着满腔憎恶的优一郎决定加入帝鬼军,开启了与吸血鬼的战争…… ————引于动漫


泽野弘之的单曲《X.U.| scaPEGoat》






