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热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 23:19
楚国的左尹项伯,是项羽的叔父,一向同留侯张良友好.张良这个时候正跟随着刘邦.项伯就连夜骑马跑到刘邦的军营,私下会见张良,把事情全告诉了他,想叫张良和他一起离开,说:"不要和刘邦他们一起死了."张良说:"我为韩王送沛公,现在沛公遇到危急的事,逃走是不守信义的,不能不告诉他."于是张良进去,全部告诉了刘邦.刘邦大惊,说:"这件事怎么办 "张良说:"是谁给大王出这条计策的 "刘邦说:"一个见识短浅的小子劝我说:'守住函谷关,不要放诸侯进来,秦国的土地可以全部占领而称王.'所以就听了他的话."张良说:"估计大王的军队足以抵挡项王吗 "刘邦沉默了一会儿,说:"当然不如啊.这将怎么办呢 "张良说:"请让我去告诉项伯,说沛公不敢背叛项王."刘邦说:"你怎么和项伯有交情 "张良说:"秦朝时,他和我交往,项伯杀了人,我救活了他;现在事情危急,幸亏他来告诉我."刘邦说:"跟你比,年龄谁大谁小 "张良说:"比我大."刘邦说:"你替我请他进来,我要像对待兄长一样对待他."张良出去,邀请项伯,项伯就进去见刘邦.刘邦捧上一杯酒祝项伯长寿,和项伯约定结为儿女亲家,说:"我进入关中,一点东西都不敢据为己有,登记了官吏,百姓,封闭了仓库,等待将军到来.派遣将领把守函谷关,是为了防备其他盗贼的出入和意外的变故.我日夜盼望将军到来,怎么敢反叛呢 希望您把我不敢忘恩负义的情况,都告诉项王."项伯答应了,告诉刘邦说:"明天早晨不能不早些亲自来向项王道歉."刘邦说:"好."于是项伯又连夜离去,回到军营里,把刘邦的话报告了项羽,趁机说:"沛公不先攻破关中,你怎么敢进关来呢 现在人家有了大功,却要攻打他,这是不讲信义.不如趁此好好对待他."项羽答应了.
刘邦第二天早晨带着一百多人马来见项王,到了鸿门,向项王*说:"我和将军并力攻打秦国,将军在黄河以北作战,我在黄河以南作战,但是我自己没有料到能先进入关中,灭掉秦朝,能够在这里又见到将军.现在有小人的谣言,使您和我发生误会."项王说:"这是沛公的左司马曹无伤说的,不如此,我怎么会这样 "项王当天就留下刘邦,和他饮酒.项王,项伯朝东坐,亚父朝南坐.亚父就是范增.刘邦朝北坐,张良朝西陪侍.范增多次向项王使眼色,再三举起他佩带的玉块暗示项王,项王沉默着没有反应.范增起身,出去召来项庄,说:"君王为人心地不狠.你进去上前敬酒,敬完酒,请求舞剑,趁机把沛公杀死在座位上.否则,你们都将被他俘虏!"项庄就进去敬酒.敬完酒,说:"君王和沛公饮酒,军营里没有什么可以用来作为娱乐的,请让我舞剑."项王说:"好."项庄拔剑起舞,项伯也拔剑起舞,常常用身体像鸟张开翅膀那样掩护刘邦,项庄无法刺杀.
于是张良到军营门口找樊哙.樊哙问:"今天的事情怎么样 "张良说:"很危急!现在项庄拔剑起舞,他的意图常在沛公身上啊!"樊哙说:"这太危急了,请让我进去,跟他同生死."于是樊哙拿着剑,持着盾牌,冲入军门.持戟交叉守卫军门的卫士想阻止他进去,樊哙侧过盾牌撞去,卫士跌倒在地上,樊哙就进去了,掀开帷帐朝西站着,瞪着眼睛看着项王,头发直竖起来,眼角都裂开了.项王握着剑挺起身问:"客人是干什么的 "张良说:"是沛公的参乘樊哙."项王说:"壮士!赏他一杯酒."左右就递给他一大杯酒,樊哙拜谢后,起身,站着把酒喝了.项王又说:"赏他一条猪腿."左右就给了他一条不熟的猪腿.樊哙把他的盾牌扣在地上,把猪腿放在盾牌上,拔出剑来切着吃.项王说:"壮士!还能喝酒吗 "樊哙说:"我死都不怕,一杯酒有什么可推辞的 秦王有虎狼一样的心肠,杀人唯恐不能杀尽,惩罚人唯恐不能用尽酷刑,所以天下人都背叛他.怀王曾和诸将约定:'先打败秦军进入咸阳的人封作王.'现在沛公先打败秦军进了咸阳,一点儿东西都不敢动用,封闭了宫室,军队退回到霸上,等待大王到来.特意派遣将领把守函谷关的原因,是为了防备其他盗贼的出入和意外的变故.这样劳苦功高,没有得到封侯的赏赐,反而听信小人的谗言,想杀有功的人,这只是灭亡了的秦朝的继续罢了.我以为大王不应该采取这种做法."项工没有话回答,说:"坐."樊哙挨着张良坐下.坐了一会儿,刘邦起身上厕所,乘机把樊哙叫了出来.
刘邦出去后,项王派都尉陈平去叫刘邦.刘邦说:"现在出来,还没有告辞,这该怎么办 "樊哙说:"做大事不必顾及小节,讲大礼不必计较小的谦让.现在人家正好比是菜刀和砧板,我们则好比是鱼肉,告辞干什么呢 "于是就决定离去.刘邦就让张良留下来道歉.张良问:"大王来时带了什么东西 "刘邦说:"我带了一对玉璧,想献给项王;一双玉斗,想送给亚父.正碰上他们发怒,不敢奉献.你替我把它们献上吧."张良说:"好."这时候,项王的军队驻在鸿门,刘邦的军队驻在霸上,相距四十里.刘邦就留下车辆和随从人马,独自骑马脱身,和樊哙,夏侯婴,靳强,纪信等四人拿着剑和盾牌徒步逃走,从郦山脚下,取道芷阳,抄小路走.刘邦对张良说:"从这条路到我们军营,不过二十里罢了,估计我回到军营里,你再进去."
刘邦离去后,从小路回到军营里.张良进去道歉,说:"沛公禁受不起酒力,不能当面告辞.让我奉上白璧一双,再拜敬献给大王;玉斗一双,再拜献给大将军."项王说:"沛公在哪里 "张良说:"听说大王有意要责备他,脱身独自离开,已经回到军营了."项王就接受了玉璧,把它放在座位上.亚父接过玉斗,放在地上,拔出剑来敲碎了它,说:"唉!这小子不值得和他共谋大事!夺项王天下的人一定是沛公.我们都要被他俘虏了!"
Liu military hegemony, but also could not see each other and Xiang Yu, Liu left without forfeiting sent to Xiang Yu Dr Ismail said : "Liu want Guanzhong title, infant son of phase, Jumbo all occupied. "Xiang Yu declaring : "Tomorrow morning reward with food and drink soldiers, the army gave me defeated Liu Bang! "At this time, Xiang Yu 400,000 troops stationed in Xinfengjiang David doors; Liu 100,000 troops stationed on the tyrants. Fan Zeng advice Xiang Yu said : "The motive in Shandong, invented money goods love of beautiful women. Now into the relations, seizing property, but not obsessed with sex. This shows that his ambition is not small. I will arrange a wait-and-see him rising, are the shape of the dragon. showing thousands of colors, this is the Son of quickly rising! attack, the opportunity will not be lost. "Yin Xiang Bo Chu on the left. Xiang Yu is the uncle. Zhang has been with Liuhou friendly. This is the time followed Liu Zhang. Liu Xiang Bo went to the camp on the night of riding. Zhang met privately, he told the whole matter, and would like to ask him to leave Zhang Liang, said : "Do not, and Liu them died. "Zhang said :" I sent Wang of Korea sees that now sees the critical encounter, escape is perfidy, and we must tell him. "So Zhang into all told Liu. Liu turned and said : "This matter how run," Zhang said : "Who gave the king out of this stratagem," Liu said : "One kid asked me to see the myopic : 'guard PASS, instead of throwing them nobility. Chancellor of the lands to be occupied and all the title. 'So we went round of his remarks. "Zhang said : "The army has enough to resist, Wang estimated king?" Liu Shenmoliaoyikuai abuse, said : "Of course not ah. how it will do, "Zhang said :" Let me tell Xiangbo. motive not betrayed, Wang said. "Liu said :" Xiangbo and how you have friends, "Zhang said :" dynasty, he and I have contacts, Xiangbo killing people, I will save him; Now all critical Fortunately, he came to tell me. "Liu said :" than with you. age whom "Zhang said :" greater than mine. "Liu said :" I invite him to come for you. I like to treat him like a brother. "Zhang out inviting Xiangbo. Liu Xiang Bo's go see. Liu Xiang Bo wish longevity shows a glass of wine and Xiang agreement entered into marriage of his daughter, said : "I entered customs, some things are not angels, the registration officials and the people, the closure of stores General waiting for the arrival. PASS sent guard generals, easy access and the other is to prevent accidents of events. I have long been looking forward to the arrival of General, how dare you put the rebels wanted the situation I am not ungrateful we are told, Wang. "Xiang agreed, told Liu said : "tomorrow morning not earlier, Wang personally to apologize. "Liu said :" Well done. "So Xiang another night away, return to barracks, the report on the Liu Xiang Yu, the opportunity to say : "we do not penetrate sees relations, how dare you to now, they now have a greater amount of the customs that have attacked him, This is Machiavellian. He took a good deal better. "Xiang Yu agreed. Liu Malays see the next morning with more than 100 people, Wang, David to the door to apologize, Wang said : "I and General Qin payment attack, military operations in the north of the Yellow River. I operations in the south of the Yellow River, but I did not expect to get access to relevant, stubbed out records, to be here to see the generals. Now rumors are crooks, and I misunderstanding you. ", Wang said : "This is the Sajima sees no harm Cao said, so, how do I" left on the same day, Wang turmoil. and his drinking. , Wang, sitting Xiang east Asia father Chaonan sit. Asia father is Fan Zeng. Liu north to sit Zhang accompanied westwards. Fan Zeng, Wang You repeatedly, repeatedly raised, Wang hinted that he wear jade pieces. , Wang silence with no response. Fan Zeng get the call to head out, said : "King did not make people care. approached you into toast, Teachers End liquor request opposition. take the opportunity to disguise killed in their seats. Otherwise, he will be captured you! "Xiang Zhuang go in a toast. Teachers End wine : "character and motive to drink, nothing can be used as a barracks of entertainment, please allow me to opposition. ", Wang said : "good. "Xiang Zhuang preparing to dance Xiang also preparing to dance like a bird with open wings often used as a cover physical turmoil. Xiang Zhuang not assassination. Zhang Fan Kuai therefore find the entrance to the barracks. Fan Kuai asked : "how this kind of thing," Zhang said : "Xiang Zhuang very desperate! now preparing to dance his intention was often disguise!" Fan Kuai said : "This is too critical. Please let me in., and I told him the same fate. "So Fan Kuai holding, holding a shield. into the military departments. Chiji military gate guards cross into the defender trying to stop him, Fan Kuai side o ver Shield collision, defender fell on the ground, Fan Kuai go in the opening Wei Zhang westwards to stand watch, Wang staring eyes, hair raising, have split the corners. He got up and shook Ting, Wang Jian : "Visitors were doing," Zhang said : "Fan Kuai is covering up by the Senate. ", Wang said :" the full Monty! He tours a glass of wine. "He passed around on a glass of wine. Fan Kuai gratitude, stand up, stand put a flagon of wine. , Wang said : "He tours a ton. "A total stranger about it to his legs. Fan Kuai shield him detained on the ground, ECU put on the shield, all drawn with the sword to eat. , Wang said : "the full Monty! still drinking? "Fan Kuai said : "I am not afraid to die, what can be attributed to the King a glass of wine with the same heart tigers kill shalt not fear. After the exhaustion of torture were not punished, the people of the world have betrayed him. Story and Zhujiang had agreed : 'sealed the first defeat for Wang Qin entered Xianyang. 'Now it sees break into the first defeat in Xianyang. certain things are not disposable, closed the palace, the army back to tyrants. waiting for the arrival of King. PASS specifically send officers to guard the reasons easy access and the other is to prevent accidents of events. This availing not famous career. Instead, listen to rumors crooks, the people who Xiangsha. This is the demise of the Qin Dynasty continued space. I think the king should not take this approach. "Public no right answer, said : "sit. "Fan Kuai sit next to Zhang. sit for a while, to whom stand up on the toilet. Fan Kuai called out to them. Liu spread, sending Duwei, Wang Chen Liu sent for him. Liu said : "At present, and not saying goodbye, how do the "Fan Kuai said :" do important work without regard to details, not speaking about small gift humility. Now they are more than just a kitchen knife and chopping board, we like meat. say goodbye to do? "So it was decided to leave. Let Zhang Liu left to apologize. Zhang : "What the king to carry things," Liu said : "I have brought one pair of Yubi, dedicated to items like Wang; a pair of jade struggle, Asia would like to give the father. are finding their anger, not devotion. I presented them for your bar. "Zhang said : "good. "At that time, Wang David troops stationed in the door, to whom the troops in tyrants. Sishili apart. Liu left on the vehicles and escorting members, and eventually leave alone, and Fan Kuai, Jaap de Hoop infanticide, JIN Qiang. Jixin holding shields and four other fleeing on foot, a senior from the foot of a mountain by way of doing this himself, Chaoxiaolu go. Liu said to Zhang : "In this way we barracks, but within 20 nautical miles of space, I reckon I return to the barracks, your next room. "Liu left, Road back from the army camp. Zhang into an apology, said : "Jiuli sees no incompatibility. not personally say goodbye. Let me offer a pair flaw, repeatedly presented to the king; Yu struggle pair. temple dedicated to the general. ", Wang said :" Where is the motive, "Zhang said :" It is the intention to reprimand him king. left alone to leave, have returned to the barracks. ", Wang received a Yubi, put it in my seat. Asia-father, who struggled, on the ground, pulling the sword to crack it, said : "Alas, this kid is not worth his complicity event! Wangtianxia won the item is hidden motives. we have captured him! "Liu return to the military. Cao not hurt scrapped immediately.