鲁迅的英文简介4, 5行就行还要有翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 18:02

鲁迅(1881年9月25日~1936年10月19日)原名周树人,字豫才,少年读书时名周樟寿,浙江绍兴人。中国现代文学家、思想家和*家。代表作:小说集《呐喊》,《彷徨》,散文集《朝花夕拾》。 人称“文思革”.光绪七年八月初三(1881年9月25日)生于浙江省绍兴府会稽县(今绍兴市)东昌坊口,祖籍河南省汝南县。儿时享受着少爷般的生活,慢慢家基衰败变得贫困。青年时代受达尔文进化论和托尔斯泰博爱思想的影响,18年鲁迅从周樟寿更名为周树人。1902年公费至日本留学,原在仙台医学院学医,理想以自己的双手去治病救人,后因战乱纷起改行为作家,从事文艺工作,希望用以改变国民精神.
Lu Xun (September 25, 1881 to October 19, 1936) formerly known as Zhou, Yu-word only, to study juvenile when the life of Zhou Zhang, Shaoxing, Zhejiang people. Chinese modern writers, thinkers and revolutionaries. Representative: collection of short stories "cry" and "loss", essays, "Chaohuaxishi." Called "leather Evans." Guangxu three days of August 2007 (September 25, 1881) was born in Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing County, Huiji House (now the city of Shaoxing) Dongchang Square I, the ancestral home Runan County, Henan Province. As a child to enjoy as a young master of life, graally becoming home-based decline in poverty. Darwin's theory of evolution by his youth and love thinking of Tolstoy, in 18 from the Lu Xun Zhou Zhang Zhou Ting changed its name to people. At public expense in 1902 to study in Japan, the original was a medical student in the School of Medicine in Sendai, ideal to own hands to saving lives, as a result of post-war change from disorderly conct writers, engage in literary and artistic work, hope to change the national spirit.
