





Clara Barton was a small woman. Yet she made a big difference in many lives. Today her work continues to be important to thousands of people in trouble.

Clara Barton was an unusual woman for her time. She was born on Christmas day, December 25th, 1821. In those days, most women were expected to marry, have children and stay home to take care of them. Barton, however, became deeply involved in the world.

By the time of her death in 1912, she had begun a revolution that led to the right of women to do responsible work for society. As a nurse, she cared for thousands of Wounded soldiers. She began the American Red Cross. And, she successfully urged the American government to accept the Geneva Convention. That treaty established standards for conditions for soldiers injured or captured ring wartime.


Clara Barton really began her life of caring for the sick when she was only 11 years old. She lived with her family on a farm in the northeastern state of Massachusetts. One of her brothers, David, was seriously injured while helping build a barn. For 2 years, Clara Barton took care of David until he was healed.

Most 11-year-old girls would have found the job impossible. But Clara felt a great need to help. And she was very good at it. She also seemed to feel most safe when she was at home with her mother and father, or riding a horse on her family's land.

As a young child, Clara had great difficulty studying and making friends at school. Her 4 brothers and sisters were much older than she. Several of them were teachers. For most of Clara's early years, she was taught at home. She finished school at age 15. Then she went to work in her brother David's clothing factory. The factory soon burned, leaving her without a job.


Clara Barton decided to teach school. In 1836, she passed the teacher's test and began teaching near her home in North Oxford, Massachusetts. She became an extremely popular and respected teacher.

After 16 years of teaching, she realized she did not know all she wanted to know. She wanted more ecation. Very few universities accepted women in those days. So Clara went to a special school for girls in Massachusetts. While in that school, she became interested in public ecation.


After she graated, a friend suggested she try to establish the first public school in the state of New Jersey. Officials there seemed to think that ecation was only for children whose parents had enough money to pay for private schools.

The officials did not want Barton to start a school for poor people. But she offered to teach without pay for 3 months. She told the officials that they could decide after that if she had been successful. They gave her an old building with poor equipment. And they gave her 6 very active little boys to teach.


在她所生活的时代,克莱拉·巴顿是个不寻常的人。她出生于 1821年12月25日,也就是圣诞节的那一天。在那个时代,女人们往往是过着相夫教子的家庭生活;而巴顿却投身于整个世界中。







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