中秋习俗的介绍 (英汉都有的)大神们帮帮忙





中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 赏月 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就记载有“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。 在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。 明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。 吃月饼 我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,“月饼”一词,最早见于南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》中,那时,它也只是象菱花饼一样的饼形食品。后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。 月饼最初是在家庭制作的,清袁枚在《隋园食单》中就记载有月饼的做法。到了近代,有了专门制作月饼的作坊,月饼的制作越越来越精细,馅料考究,外型美观,在月饼的外面还印有各种精美的图案,如“嫦娥奔月”、“银河夜月”、“三潭印月”等。以月之圆兆人之团圆,以饼之圆兆人之常生,用月饼寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,都成为天下人们的心愿,月饼还被用来当做礼品送亲赠友,联络感情。 英文:Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the most important activities of the full moon and eat moon cakes. Moon In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China since ancient times the custom of the full moon, "Book of Rites" on the record as "yuzuki of Autumn Twilight", that is to worship goddess of the moon. In the Zhou dynasty, ring the Autumn Festival and the Festival to be held in welcoming winter months. Set up large incense table, put the moon cakes, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, cakes and watermelon which is absolutely not small. Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped. In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue quite popular. In the Song Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon's much more vigorous, as far as "Tokyo Menghualu" reads: "in the autumn of your home decorations Taixie, civil war accounted for restaurants Wan Yue." During the day, the capital of all shops, restaurants must be re-decoration, ceremonial arch tie silk wounded, the sale of fresh fruit and refined good food, night markets crowded, the people who boarded the tower over a number of well-off people in their own tower Pavilion on the moon, and put food or arrange a private banquet, family reunion child, a common view of the moon Xu Tan. Ming and Qing dynasties after the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival is still in many places form the Big Dipper incense burning, tree Mid-Autumn Festival, point tower lights, release sky lanterns, walking the moon, the fire dragon dance and other special customs. Eating moon cakes China's urban and rural masses to celebrate the festival has a custom of eating moon cakes, the saying goes there: "August Mochitsuki Shoen, fragrant and sweet moon cakes." Mooncake Festival was originally used instructions from Luna's offerings, "moon cakes" the word first appeared in the Southern Song Wu from the animal husbandry of the "dream beams" During that time, it can only be the same as Ryoka cake pie food. Later, people graally to the full moon and the taste of the Mid-Autumn mooncakes together, implies a symbol of family reunion. Mooncakes was originally proced in the family, the Qing Yuan Mei in "Sui Garden Fresh single" on the records a moon cake approach. In modern times, with specialized workshops making moon cakes, moon cakes, the more the proction of more sophisticated, filling elegant, good looks, the moon is also printed on the outside of a variety of exquisite patterns, such as "Moon Lady", "Galaxy Ye Yue "," Santanyinyue "and so on. Trillion yen in months of the reunion of people to cake trillion yen of ordinary people's health, with the moon sustenance miss home, miss the pro-Ren Zhiqing, hope and pray a good harvest, happiness, have become the world people's wishes, moon cakes have also been used as a gift to send pro-gift Friends, contact feeling.



中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people's main activities are to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China has a custom of enjoying the moon since ancient times, that is, worshiping the moon god. In the Zhou Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be held for the cold and the moon.


中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 赏月 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就记载有“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。 在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。 明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。 吃月饼 我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,“月饼”一词,最早见于南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》中,那时,它也只是象菱花饼一样的饼形食品。后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。 月饼最初是在家庭制作的,清袁枚在《隋园食单》中就记载有月饼的做法。到了近代,有了专门制作月饼的作坊,月饼的制作越越来越精细,馅料考究,外型美观,在月饼的外面还印有各种精美的图案,如“嫦娥奔月”、“银河夜月”、“三潭印月”等。以月之圆兆人之团圆,以饼之圆兆人之常生,用月饼寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,都成为天下人们的心愿,月饼还被用来当做礼品送亲赠友,联络感情。 英文:Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the most important activities of the full moon and eat moon cakes. Moon In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China since ancient times the custom of the full moon, "Book of Rites" on the record as "yuzuki of Autumn Twilight", that is to worship goddess of the moon. In the Zhou dynasty, ring the Autumn Festival and the Festival to be held in welcoming winter months. Set up large incense table, put the moon cakes, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, cakes and watermelon which is absolutely not small. Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped. In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue quite popular. In the Song Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon's much more vigorous, as far as "Tokyo Menghualu" reads: "in the autumn of your home decorations Taixie, civil war accounted for restaurants Wan Yue." During the day, the capital of all shops, restaurants must be re-decoration, ceremonial arch tie silk wounded, the sale of fresh fruit and refined good food, night markets crowded, the people who boarded the tower over a number of well-off people in their own tower Pavilion on the moon, and put food or arrange a private banquet, family reunion child, a common view of the moon Xu Tan. Ming and Qing dynasties after the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival is still in many places form the Big Dipper incense burning, tree Mid-Autumn Festival, point tower lights, release sky lanterns, walking the moon, the fire dragon dance and other special customs. Eating moon cakes China's urban and rural masses to celebrate the festival has a custom of eating moon cakes, the saying goes there: "August Mochitsuki Shoen, fragrant and sweet moon cakes." Mooncake Festival was originally used instructions from Luna's offerings, "moon cakes" the word first appeared in the Southern Song Wu from the animal husbandry of the "dream beams" During that time, it can only be the same as Ryoka cake pie food. Later, people graally to the full moon and the taste of the Mid-Autumn mooncakes together, implies a symbol of family reunion. Mooncakes was originally proced in the family, the Qing Yuan Mei in "Sui Garden Fresh single" on the records a moon cake approach. In modern times, with specialized workshops making moon cakes, moon cakes, the more the proction of more sophisticated, filling elegant, good looks, the moon is also printed on the outside of a variety of exquisite patterns, such as "Moon Lady", "Galaxy Ye Yue "," Santanyinyue "and so on. Trillion yen in months of the reunion of people to cake trillion yen of ordinary people's health, with the moon sustenance miss home, miss the pro-Ren Zhiqing, hope and pray a good harvest, happiness, have become the world people's wishes, moon cakes have also been used as a gift to send pro-gift Friends, contact feeling.



中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 赏月 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就记载有“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。 在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。 明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。 吃月饼 我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,“月饼”一词,最早见于南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》中,那时,它也只是象菱花饼一样的饼形食品。后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。 月饼最初是在家庭制作的,清袁枚在《隋园食单》中就记载有月饼的做法。到了近代,有了专门制作月饼的作坊,月饼的制作越越来越精细,馅料考究,外型美观,在月饼的外面还印有各种精美的图案,如“嫦娥奔月”、“银河夜月”、“三潭印月”等。以月之圆兆人之团圆,以饼之圆兆人之常生,用月饼寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,都成为天下人们的心愿,月饼还被用来当做礼品送亲赠友,联络感情。 英文:Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the most important activities of the full moon and eat moon cakes. Moon In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China since ancient times the custom of the full moon, "Book of Rites" on the record as "yuzuki of Autumn Twilight", that is to worship goddess of the moon. In the Zhou dynasty, ring the Autumn Festival and the Festival to be held in welcoming winter months. Set up large incense table, put the moon cakes, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, cakes and watermelon which is absolutely not small. Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped. In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue quite popular. In the Song Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon's much more vigorous, as far as "Tokyo Menghualu" reads: "in the autumn of your home decorations Taixie, civil war accounted for restaurants Wan Yue." During the day, the capital of all shops, restaurants must be re-decoration, ceremonial arch tie silk wounded, the sale of fresh fruit and refined good food, night markets crowded, the people who boarded the tower over a number of well-off people in their own tower Pavilion on the moon, and put food or arrange a private banquet, family reunion child, a common view of the moon Xu Tan. Ming and Qing dynasties after the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival is still in many places form the Big Dipper incense burning, tree Mid-Autumn Festival, point tower lights, release sky lanterns, walking the moon, the fire dragon dance and other special customs. Eating moon cakes China's urban and rural masses to celebrate the festival has a custom of eating moon cakes, the saying goes there: "August Mochitsuki Shoen, fragrant and sweet moon cakes." Mooncake Festival was originally used instructions from Luna's offerings, "moon cakes" the word first appeared in the Southern Song Wu from the animal husbandry of the "dream beams" During that time, it can only be the same as Ryoka cake pie food. Later, people graally to the full moon and the taste of the Mid-Autumn mooncakes together, implies a symbol of family reunion. Mooncakes was originally proced in the family, the Qing Yuan Mei in "Sui Garden Fresh single" on the records a moon cake approach. In modern times, with specialized workshops making moon cakes, moon cakes, the more the proction of more sophisticated, filling elegant, good looks, the moon is also printed on the outside of a variety of exquisite patterns, such as "Moon Lady", "Galaxy Ye Yue "," Santanyinyue "and so on. Trillion yen in months of the reunion of people to cake trillion yen of ordinary people's health, with the moon sustenance miss home, miss the pro-Ren Zhiqing, hope and pray a good harvest, happiness, have become the world people's wishes, moon cakes have also been used as a gift to send pro-gift Friends, contact feeling.



中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people's main activities are to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China has a custom of enjoying the moon since ancient times, that is, worshiping the moon god. In the Zhou Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be held for the cold and the moon.


中秋佳节,人们最主要的活动是赏月和吃月饼了。 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people's main activities are to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, China has a custom of enjoying the moon since ancient times, that is, worshiping the moon god. In the Zhou Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be held for the cold and the moon.
