发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 00:22
热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 06:40
Pocket monster,简称pokemon,是这个世界上不可思议的生物,到珍珠钻石时共有493种。关于小精灵们的正规名字,由于字数*,请到http://hi.baidu.com/%B0%B5%BA%DA%B4%EF/blog/item/3b5acac8dabfb7127f3e6fab.html查阅
男主角, 生于真新镇,10岁。他朝气逢勃,目标是成为世界第一的小精灵大师。他有骨气,有自信,不会半途而废,有毅力,总是坚持到底,凭着一份信任小精灵的心态参加了多次联盟大会,最终他取得了一次次辉煌的成绩........
小茂:(声优:小林优子 )
小建是一个非常喜欢观察研究小精灵的少年小精灵观察家。小智是在香橙群岛与他认识的。之后他就跟着小智旅行,直至小刚再次回来。现在是大木博士的助手。 他的素描技艺和速度都非常高超。
小遥:(声优:KAORI /铃木遥)
故事主角是一个名叫小智的男孩,今年刚满10岁,住在真新镇中,与母亲相依为命。原来在那里,任何人只要一满十岁,就可以获得小精灵使用权,并从大木博士手中领取一只小精灵。 小智为了要成为一流的小精灵训练家,而必须踏上修行的旅程接受考验.不料出发的当天,小智却因睡懒觉而误了时间,比其它人晚了一步.好不容易从博士那里领来没有人要的皮卡丘,谁知皮卡丘却难以照料又特别固执。就在前往下一站常磐市的途中,他们遇上了麻烦!皮卡丘被野生小精灵突袭,危在旦夕......
鬼翼龙与冰空的花束-草刺猬 官网:http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/
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热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 07:58
热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 09:33
神奇宝贝〈港译宠物小精灵,又称口袋怪兽、口袋妖怪),是日本Game Freak代表田尻智于1995年开发,日本任天堂株式会社于1996年推出的一款Game Boy(任天堂所推出的掌上型游戏机)游戏。
其名称(Pokémon ポケモン)是来源于日文罗马字的缩写:“Pocket Monsters” (ポケットモンスター,Poketto Monsutā)。其独特的游戏系统广受大众的欢迎,年度产品销量近千万(红、绿二版本合计。全系列作目前累积已破亿)。任天堂趁此势头,推出后续的一系列游戏、漫画、书籍、对战卡片及周边产品,还联合日本东京电视台推出电视动画,以及一年一度的剧场版动画电影,更在1998年成功进军美国, 并拓展至世界各地(除了少数地方因为宗教等因素)。目前“Pokémon”已成功打入全世界数十个国家,成为世界闻名的卡通形象和日本的国民动画。相关产品销售额达数十亿美元以上。因为各部份的成长,目前神奇宝贝相关事业已经成一公司-Pokemon Company(株式会社ポケモン),为任天堂旗下的子公司之一。
神奇宝贝的概念起源于一种日本的流行的娱乐方式—昆虫收集(insect collecting),当神奇宝贝的创始人田尻智小的时候,他就很喜欢这类消遣。这种理念在1998年被 带入了美国市场,这种游戏允许游戏者捕捉,收集,培养数百只生物,也就是通常所说的神奇宝贝;与其它神奇宝贝战斗以增长力量。这些神奇宝贝会在得到更多力 量后进化,成为更强大的神奇宝贝,学到新的更强大的招式。在战斗中神奇宝贝从来不会流血或死亡,只是会晕倒(游戏中称“失去战斗能力”)。这对田尻智来说 是一个敏感话题,因为他不想让这个游戏世界充满更多“毫无意义的暴力”(pointless violence)。
1. 《神奇宝贝》(Pocket Monsters)共分为关都地区石英联盟、橘子群岛橘子联盟、城都地区城都联盟三篇,其中城都联盟还包括了一小段漩涡列岛大赛的故事。在橘子群岛时,小刚留在内木研究所,换小建和小智、小霞一同旅行,直到城都联盟,才又由小刚回锅。
2. 很多人误以为,《神奇宝贝》(Pocket Monsters)只有275集(这里指由石英篇到城都篇一般TV版),实际上神奇宝贝有276集,没有引进第38集“电脑战士3D龙”,因为日本在播出第一年(1997年)的12月16日,许多日本观众因为看了这集神奇宝贝而昏倒送医,造成一阵大轰动,史称3D龙事件。原因就出在那集皮卡丘从3D龙身上跳出来,对迎面而来的飞弹使出电击绝招,导致飞弹爆炸发出强烈的闪光,红色和蓝色的光快速替换,如果一直盯着萤幕看的话,就会引发所谓的强光过敏症。 这次的事件让神奇宝贝停播了一段时间,不过在日本观众热烈的反应及支持下,隔年4月16日终于复播了,但当地收视率大跌,并且制作公司也对制作动画的规则 重新作了讨论,避免以后再发生类似的事故。而之后这集也被日本官方冻结,也导致3D龙和其进化型系列再也没出现在动画上。
3. 后来,为了因应电玩GBA版(红宝石、蓝宝石版)的推出,神奇宝贝于2002年11月21日播 出《神奇宝贝超世代》(Pokémon Advanced Generation)系列。在城都联盟结束后,小霞和小刚因为各自有事而和小智分离了,小智为了重新出发,于是只带着皮卡丘前往芳缘地区,在那里认识了 新人训练家小遥和其弟弟小胜,后来小刚更又重新加入,于是四人并展开全新的冒险。
4. 《神奇宝贝超世代》(Pokémon Advanced Generation)共分为丰缘地区丰缘联盟及关都地区对战开拓区两篇,《神奇宝贝超世代》和前面的剧情不一样的就是,故事变成了两个主线,小智为了参 加丰缘联盟,努力挑战道馆,丰缘联盟结束后,则改挑战故乡关都地区新设的对战开拓区,而小遥则以成为协调训练家努力,挑战各地的华丽大赛,取得优胜缎带勋 章,好参加大型庆典,两人都为了达成各自的目标,与神奇宝贝一同奋斗。
5. 2006年秋季,为配合电玩NDS版(钻石、珍珠版)的上市,动画同步推出全新的系列《神奇宝贝钻石&珍珠》(Pokémon Diamond & Pearl)。对战开拓区篇结束后,小遥为了挑战城都地区的华丽大赛和小智告别,小刚也因为道馆有事而回去了,小智则受到了小茂的激励,独自一人带着皮卡 丘和*上来的长尾怪手前往新的地区神奥地区。新登场的女主角小光,其蓝本取自于电玩NDS版(钻石、珍珠版)的女主角。另外于2007年,为庆祝电视版 播映十周年,东京电视台曾多次播映一小时特别篇(即连续播映两集)。
6. 在《神奇宝贝钻石&珍珠》(Pokémon Diamond & Pearl)中,新人训练家小光为了成为顶尖的协调训练家,而从双叶镇来到了位于真砂镇的山梨研究所领取神奇宝贝。而同一时间,小智也抵达了神奥地区,并 在那里和小刚再度会合。在因缘巧合下,小光救了小智的皮卡丘,三人于是并一同结伴旅行,展开了在神奥地区的冒险。和以往不同的是,小光的戏份大幅增加,在 历代女主角中,还是第一个有办法和小智的戏份相提并论的。目前日本正持续播出中,也由中视进行首播。
PokemonThe harbor of 〈 translates the 宠Thing elf, call againPocket monster,Pocket devil), is JapanGame FreakRepresentativeFarmland 尻智In 1995 development, JapanThe term is heavenThe stub type meeting agency releases in 1996 of a styleGame Boy( a handy game for heaven releasing machine) game.
Its name( Pok é mon ポケモン ) is abbreviation that source in Japanese Rome word:" Pocket Monsters".( ポケットモンスター , Poketto Monsut ā )Its special game system suffers widely mass and welcome, near ten million in proct amount of 销 in year( red and green two editions add up.The whole series make the current accumulation to have broken the hundred million).The term takes advantage of this heaven power head, release the follow-up a series of game,Cartoon,Book, to the war card andPerimeter proct, returning the Japanese the television station of Tokyo of consociation releasesTelevision animation, and once a year ofTheater versionAnimation movie, more in successful military advance in 1998 the United States, and expand to the world-wide locations.( besides minority place because of religion etc. factor)The current" Pok é mon" hases succeeded to beat into the several tens nation in whole world, becoming the cartoon image of the world publicity with Japanese citizen's animation.The related proct sale sum amounts to few USDs 1,000,000,000 above.Because each partially of growth, the related business in current Pokemon is already independent a company - Pokemon Company( stub type meeting agency ポケモン ), is heaven the one of the next subsidiaries in ensign for the term.
In 2006 on February 27, hold the Pokemon ten the celebration ceremony activity of anniversaries.
The concept of the Pokemon originates the amusement method — insect of a kind of Japanese fad collects( insect collecting), when the small time in智 in尻 in farmland in person in geneses of the Pokemon, he like this type of amusement very much.This kind of principle were in 1998 taken into the market of the United States, this kind of game allows the game catch, collect, ecate several hundred living creature, also is usually a Pokemon for saying;Increase the power with other Pokemon combat then.These Pokemons would at get more dint deal juniors turn, becoming the more mighty Pokemon, learning the new more mighty recruit type.In combat the Pokemon can't bleed or die from the beginning, will just faint.( call in the game" lose the combat ability")This to farmlands 尻智s is a sensitive topic, because he does not want to let this game world is filled with more" nonsense violence in milli-"s.( pointless violence)
The current Pokemon can be divided into game, animation, cartoon, related proct...etc. the part mostly.The Pokemon also is a species a common name for owning that Pokemon world have the figment to come out, moreover, the current Pokemon has totally 493 kinds of.
Edit this segmentBrief introction
1. The 《 Pokemon 》 ( Pocket Monsters) is divided into the pass totally all region quartz alliance, orange islands orange alliance, city all the region city all forms alliance three story for, among them city all forming alliance still including first small big match in archipelago in a whirlpools.In orange islands hour, smallly just stayed at wood graate school, change the small setting up to take a trip with small 智 , small 霞 together, until the city all forms alliance, just again from small just return to pot.
2.The many people mistakes, 《 Pokemon 》 ( Pocket Monsters) only reach 275 gather( point here from the quartz the article goes to the city all article general the version of TV), the in reality Pokemon reach 276 gather, Taiwan did not usher in the 38 gathers the " computer warrior a dragon", fainting to send to hospital because December 16 of Japan at broadcast the first year(1997), many Japanese audiences because of seeing this gather the Pokemon, resulting in a burst of and big causing a sensation, the history calls a dragon affairs.The reason use for a missile for there gathering Pikachu from a dragon body jumping out, to right against the face the electric shock cuts off to recruit, causing the missile explode the flashlight sending out severely, red with fast replacement in blue light, if has been staring at the screen see, will cause the so-called strong light allergy.This affairs let Pokemon stopped to sow for a while, however under the Japanese audience warmly of reaction and supports, the following year replied to sow finally on April 16, but the native viewer rating tumbles, and created the company to also make the discussion afresh to the rule of the creation animation, avoiding hereafter take place again the similar trouble.And behind this gather was too frozen by the Japanese authorities, also cause a dragon with its evolve the type series to did not appear any further on the animation.
3. Afterwards, for responding to the electricity plays the version of GBA( ruby, blue precious stone version) releases, the Pokemon sows the super generation in the Pokemon of 《》 ( Pok é mon Advanced Generation) series on in 2002 November 21.After the city all forms alliance the be over, the small 霞 separated with small 智 with smallly just because each one's own matter, small 智 for setting out afresh, hence take only the Pikachu go to the region of 芳缘 , knowing there the New appointee train the wife and children 遥 with the small 胜 in its younger brother, afterwards small just join more and afresh, hence four people and launch all new risky.
4. The super generation in the Pokemon of 《》 ( Pok é mon Advanced Generation) is divided into the plentiful the alliance of 缘 in plentiful the region of 缘 and pass totally all the region expands the area to the war two article, super generation in the Pokemon of 《 the 》 is different from anterior plot be, the story became two main lines, small 智 for the sake of three add the plentiful 缘 form alliance, diligent challenge a building, plentiful 缘 alliance after ending, then change to challenge the home town pass all the region is new- established to expand the area to the war, but the small 遥 then to become the coordination trains the house diligent, challenge every locality of big match in pomp, obtain the excellent the satin of 胜 take a target for, liking attending the large celebration ceremony, two people is all for reaching eachly from, struggling with Pokemon together.
5. In 2006 autumn, play for the match electricity the version of NDS( diamond, pearl version) appears on market, the animation releases the all new series 《 Pokemon diamond synchronously&Pearl 》 ( Pok é mon Diamond& Pearl).Expand a big match in pomp for ending empress, small 遥 for the sake of challenge city all region to the war to take leave with the small 智 , small just also returned because a building occupies, the small 智 then suffered the small encouraging luxuriantly, taking the skin card 丘 a person alone to come up the strange going to the new region absolute being 奥 region with the 渡 that steal the long tail.Small light in new- shown up leading lady, its blue a leading lady for drawing from in electricity playing the version of NDS( diamond, pearl version).Moreover in 2007, for celebrate the television version broadcast ten anniversary, the television station of Tokyo onces broadcast many times a special article.( continue to broadcast namely two gather)
6. In the 《 Pokemon diamond&Pearl 》 ( Pok é mon Diamond&Pearl) inside, the New appointee trains the wife and children light for becoming the top coordination trains the house, but really arrived at to locate from the double leaf the mountain pear graate school of the sand town receive the Pokemon.And same time, the small 智 also arrived the absolute being 奥 region, combining to once more assemble with smallly just there.Under the opportunity strangely fits, the small light saved the Pikachu of the small 智 , three people hence and accompany the trip together, launch in the absolute being 奥 region of risky.Different from formerly is, the small bare drama a drama for significantly increasing, in in the past leading lady, still the first contain way with small 智 place on equal footing of.Current Japan is keeping on broadcasting, Taiwan too from see the proceeding first showing inside.