
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:03



热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 10:59




热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 10:59



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var curX, curY, curX2, curY2, boxX, boxY, moving=0, touch=0;
var gametime=0, started=0, speed;
var starttime, endtime, finaltime=0; //pass finaltime to popup window to ask for initials
var enemyxdir = new Array(1,1,1,1);
var enemyydir = new Array(1,1,1,1);

if (isNS4 || isNS6){
document.onmousedown = start;
document.onmousemove = checkLocation;
document.onmouseup = stop;

function startclock() {var today = new Date(); starttime = today.getTime();}
function endclock() {var today = new Date(); endtime = today.getTime();}
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// check to see if 'box' is touching 'enemy1'
function checktouching(num) {

var enemy = "enemy" + num + ""
var difX = giveposX('box') - giveposX(enemy) - 0; // -0 converts to integer
var difY = giveposY('box') - giveposY(enemy) - 0;

// set touch = 1 if it is touching an enemy
if (difX > (-1 * givesize('box', 'x')) && difX < givesize(enemy, 'x') && difY > (-1 * givesize('box', 'y')) && difY < givesize(enemy, 'y')) {
touch = 1;
else touch = 0;


function movenemy(num,step_x,step_y){

var enemy = "enemy" + num + ""
var enemyx = givesize(enemy, 'x');
var enemyy = givesize(enemy, 'y');

if (giveposX(enemy) >= (450 - enemyx) || giveposX(enemy) <= 0) {
enemyxdir[num] = -1 * enemyxdir[num];
if (giveposY(enemy) >= (450 - enemyy) || giveposY(enemy) <= 0) {
enemyydir[num] = -1 * enemyydir[num];

var newposx = giveposX(enemy) + (step_x*enemyxdir[num]) + 0;
var newposy = giveposY(enemy) + (step_y*enemyydir[num]) + 0;

setposX(enemy, newposx);
setposY(enemy, newposy);

checktouching(num + "");
if (touch == 1) {
stop(); reset();

function movenemies() {

gametime = gametime + 1

if (gametime >= 0 && gametime < 100) speed = 80;
else if (gametime >= 100 && gametime < 200) speed = 60;
else if (gametime >= 200 && gametime < 300) speed = 40;
else if (gametime >= 300 && gametime < 400) speed = 30;
else if (gametime >= 400 && gametime < 500) speed = 20;
else speed = 10;
// window.status = "speed: " + speed + " gametime: " + gametime;



function start(e) {

if (started == 0) { movenemies(); startclock(); started = 1; }

curX = (isNS4 || isNS6) ? e.pageX : window.event.x ;
curY = (isNS4 || isNS6) ? e.pageY : window.event.y ;

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curY2 = eval(curY - 40);

boxX = eval(curX - 20);
boxY = eval(curY - 20);

var boxleft = giveposX('box');
var boxtop = giveposY('box');

if (curX > boxleft && curX2 < boxleft && curY > boxtop && curY2 < boxtop) {

moving = 1;
setposX('box', boxX);
setposY('box', boxY);

if (isNS4 || isNS6){

function stop(e){
if (isNS4 || isNS6){

function reset(e){
if (isNS4 || isNS6){
if (finaltime == 0) {
finaltime = calctime();
window.alert('你坚持了 ' + finaltime + ' 秒.. ');

// var entername = window.confirm('Enter your name?');
// if (entername) {
// window.open("?" + finaltime,'winwin','width=300,height=500,left=40,top=40,status=1,resizable');
// document.location.reload();
// }
// else document.location.reload();

function checkLocation(e){

curX = (isNS4 || isNS6) ? e.pageX : window.event.x ;
curY = (isNS4 || isNS6) ? e.pageY : window.event.y ;

boxX = eval(curX - 20);
boxY = eval(curY - 20);


if (moving == 1 && touch == 0){


if (curY > 69 && curX > 69 && curY < 381 && curX < 381) return false;
else stop(); reset();

else if (touch == 1){
stop(); reset();


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热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 11:00


热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 11:01

这不是Flash,是Javascript 。
