Today, I will focus on one of my favorite works, once had the Oscar gold medal and the Berlin film festival "spirited away" 10 small thousand because my father work at the age of reason to move to another city, in the way of moving into the spirit of entertainment places, because of greedy god food, small thousand parents were turned into a pig. Where the helpless, small thousand met m. leblanc, under his guidance, through the boiler grandpa and the little red sister help, small thousand to find mother tang - to manage the place of a wicked old witch, get permission to work here, waiting for rescue parents at the same time. Once, a care, no face fell in love with this kind of small thousand alone. Help again after achelous small thousand obtained can change parents back to human medicine balls. Vicious mother tang sent m. leblanc to steal her sister mother-in-law treasures of money, but was badly injured, in the absence of vamps and baby accompanied, small thousand step on the way looking for money mother-in-law to save small white. In the end, the small thousand finally rescued parents, on the way home. His pure feeling warm is a big reason, struck me small thousand like the girl in the life, is not good, is lazy, but in the rescue under the power of parents, she became very firm, at the same time, the friendship and caring performance incisively and vividly in the film, let a person feel touched and warm.今天,我将主要讲述一个我最喜欢的作品,曾经得过奥斯卡金奖和柏林金熊奖的《千与千寻》