是这段吗:“Thankyousomuch, Elaine…wearesogratefulforyourfamily’sservice”
这个Elaine全名是Elaine Brye,来自俄亥俄州,曾在美国空军预备役军官训练营(Air Force ROTC)任职,丈夫是越战退役老兵,5个孩子有4个在军队服役(就是所谓的满门忠烈吧,虽然没有烈士)。
米歇尔之所以一开始就感谢Elaine,是因为Elaine在她之前发表讲话,介绍米歇尔并请她上台的,另外也是感谢这个军人家庭对国家的大力支持——Elaine被美媒体称为“Military Mom”,可不是“军嫂”啊,感觉类似“英雄母亲”?大概是这样吧。 曾写信给米歇尔以感谢她对军人家庭的关注。
这是美国媒体在演讲前的相关介绍:Elaine Brye, from Winona, OH, will introce First Lady Michelle Obama ahead of her speech at the Democratic National Convention. Ms. Brye is a mother of five. Four of her children are in different branches of the U.S. military. Elaine Brye wrote Michelle Obama a letter thanking her for her attention to military families.