


  Good afternoon, dear judges. Today my speech is “I love black-facedspoonbill.

  On a beautiful winter day, I happened to meet the lovely spirit------

  Black Faced Spoonbill, a type of migratory bird, which spends winter atHong-Shu-Lin in my city every year. Covered with snow-white feathers, it hasblack legs and a black beak. Besides the blacks and whites, an amazing splash ofyellow is under its neck. So elegant that I couldn’t help loving it at firstsight.

  With a big and spoon-shaped beak, it can clasp fishes easily, which makesit a powerful hunter in birds.

  However, with human expansion and pollution, only around 20__ ones areliving all over the world.

  Like the eleven swan princes in Andersen’s Fairy Tale, the Black FacedSpoonbills have always been struggling to find a tiny rock which can offer thema momentary tranquility. Fortunately, they have found one in my beloved home. Iwould always hold them dearly to my heart and wish they would return with flocksof chicks in the following years, and singing……

  Oh, I have a home, such a beautiful home, where I play and resthappily.

  Oh, give them a home, such a wonderful home, where the spoonbills play allday.

  Thank you very much.
