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hello everyone!
Today we will visit Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, ChineseAcademy of Sciences.
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden is one of the first 4A scenic spotsand a national popular science education base. It is located in Menglun Town,Mengla County, 70 kilometers away from Jinghong, so it is also called Menglunbotanical garden. The garden was founded on January 1, 1995 under the leadershipof Professor Cai Xitao, a famous botanist in China. It is located on an islandshaped like a gourd, covering an area of 900 hectares. It is the largestbotanical garden with the richest plant diversity in China. There are 35 specialparks in the park, with more than 10000 kinds of tropical plants at home andabroad, as well as tropical rainforest wonders such as "stand alone forest" and"sky garden".
Today, our first stop is the national tree and national garden. As we allknow, almost every country has its own national tree and national flower, whichnot only represents the love of human beings for nature, but also reflects theaesthetic and values of a nation. It is a symbol of a country and a nation.
Built in 1999, guoshuguo garden covers an area of 20 mu, with 165 tropicalplants and 55 national trees and flowers from 66 countries. Such as Myanmarnational flower Dragon Boat flower, Laos national flower egg flower, Libyanational flower pomegranate flower, Madagascar national flower Phoenix flower,etc. All kinds of national trees and flowers gather together to compete.
After visiting the national tree garden, we came to the famous tree garden.The famous tree garden covers an area of 55 Mu and collects 343 tropical plants.In the park, there is a stone group sculpture named "shuhaixing" commemoratingthe founder Professor Cai Xitao and famous trees planted by dozens of leadersand international celebrities. There are acacia trees, Hercules trees planted byLi Peng, banyan trees planted by Li Ruihuan, and Wangtian trees planted byPrince Philip, the president of WWF.
There are also many exotic flowers and trees collected in the famous treegarden. Please see, this is Dracaena Dracaena, which can extract "bloodactivating medicine"; this peacock like tree is a traveler's banana, which iscalled "life saving tree"; this is the most poisonous plant in the world, whichis called arrow poison tree; this is a golden banyan with different colors; hereis the oldest iron tree in Xishuangbanna, the king of iron trees for thousandsof years; A friend asked, what are those trumpet like flowers? Yes, they areMandala. Mandala flower originated in India. It is said that Mandala flower isrelated to Buddhism. It is one of the "five trees and six flowers" in Buddhism.In Buddhism, Mandala flower is the appropriate meaning, which contains thespirit of transcendent consciousness. These exotic flowers and trees form acolorful plant world.
Now we come to the arboretum, where there are the first-class protectedplant Wangtian tree and the ancient relict gymnosperms, Cycas.
Next, we came to the banyan garden. There are more than 800 kinds of banyanknown all over the world, mainly distributed in tropical areas. There are about100 species of banyan plants in China, including 67 species in Yunnan and 44species in Xishuangbanna. In this 15 mu banyan garden, 103 species of banyanplants are collected. Banyan trees are up to 30 meters high, and their branchesand leaves can stretch infinitely in all directions. Their pillars and branchesare intertwined to form tropical rain The unique landscape of the forest is"stand alone to form a forest".
Banyan is rich in vitamins, minerals, cellulose and bittern, which helppeople digest. In the past, it was the wild food of some local people. Besidesedible, banyan also has medicinal value. The roots, bark and leaves of manybanyan trees can be used to treat diseases. Some banyan trees are also regardedas sacred trees and Buddha trees by local people, forming a unique nationalbanyan culture.
Next, let's take a look at the palm garden. Palm Garden covers an area of114 Mu and collects more than 400 kinds of palm plants. It is the largestcollection and cultivation site of palm plants in China. Because of itsbeautiful shape, palm is known as "Princess of the plant kingdom", and is animportant symbol of tropical plants.
Connected with the palm garden is the "aquatic botanical garden", whichcovers an area of 18 mu. A total of 115 tropical aquatic plants are collected,among which Wang Lian and water lily are the most attractive. The water lily isvery beautiful. In ancient Egypt, people called it the "sacred flower". In Indiaand Thailand, it was regarded as the national flower. In Xishuangbanna, peoplecalled it the "goddess of water", symbolizing the pure heart.
After visiting the aquatic botanical garden, now we come to the exoticflowers and trees garden. The garden covers an area of 10 mu, with 243 kinds ofexotic flowers and trees. There are old stemmed flowers, carefree fruit, giantflower Aristolochia, cat whisker grass and the lightest wood in the world.
Look, this is the plant dancer, dancing grass. Dancing grass is anendangered plant, also known as love grass. It is like a tree, not a tree, not agrass. If you play lyric music, it will gently shake its posture with the music.If you play disorderly music, it will not move, as if to express itsdissatisfaction. There are also some interesting parks, such as hundred fruitgarden, hundred grass garden, shade plant garden and national forest culturegarden, for you to enjoy.
Dear friends, today's journey is coming to an end. In today's talk, I did alot of things that were not in place. Thank you for your understanding andsupport. I hope you will have a happy journey next.
Now we come to the arboretum, which was built in 1959 and covers an area of36 mu. Up to now, 565 species have been collected. In the arboretum, there arewangtianshu, a first-class protected plant in China, and cycas, an ancientrelict gymnosperm.
There are both flowers and fruits. Xishuangbanna hundred orchards cover anarea of 75 mu. After planning and construction in 1997 and 1998, they have beenbuilt into a popular science garden. There are 72 kinds and 242 varieties offruit trees, such as "king of drinks" passion fruit, West Indian cherry withhigh vitamin C, etc. Next, let's go to Baizhu garden. There are 274 kinds ofbamboo plants introduced and cultivated in Baizhu garden. There are manyprecious bamboos in the garden, such as giant dragon bamboo, Buddha belly bambooand so on.