

2024-07-17 来源:一二三四网

如果要调试西门子SINUMERIK 810D/840D的PLC,你必须使用西门子提供的toolbox,而很多人并不完全知道toolbox中有什么。

本文是我在翻译TOOLBOX V6.5自带说明的基础上写的,希望对你有所帮助。 (注:每个toolbox版本内容可能不完全相同) 下图是TOOLBOX光盘的所有目录。


上图是根目录下的内容,用户如果安装TOOLBOX 应运行根目录下的SETUP.EXE。 SIEMENSE.TXT是光盘内容介绍;UPDATE_E.DOC是系统升级步骤说明。

安装的时候,有四项内容可选择安装。 PLC Basic Program for 8×0D V6.5–PLC基本程序,必须安装。 SINUMERIK Add-on for STEP7 V5.2.1.0–硬件信息,必须安装。

NCVar Selector-NC变量选择器,如果用到PLC读写NC变量的功能(FB2/FB3), 需要安装;否则,可不安装。

PLC Symbols Generator-PLC符号生成器(具体内容参看symbol_generator.doc),可不装 一.下图是TOOLBOX V6.5的内容。


AWLVERS.EXE-STEP7 ASCII源代码版本管理(由于使用的机会比较小,下面的说明没有翻译)

The DOS program AWLVERS.EXE is used for the version generation of several

similar projects (e.g. basic program 840D, 810D and FMNC or for combining modular machine programs). The aim of this program is the simple generation of STEP 7 AWL programs from tested source files (e.g. file name “REVOLVER.SRC”). A source file contains, for example, several similar machine entities with the same FC, FB and DB numbers which are, however only used as alternatives. The source file is identified by version switches

(different keywords of max. 18 characters) for the individual machine units. By entering one or several keywords when generating a version you can create an AWL program for that/those machine unit(s) .

Procedure for creating a source file:

A common source file is to be created for all the versions (e.g. FILE.SRC). Specific differences are identified in the file by ~Version~ followed immediately by a carriage return. The term Version here is a joker for any name which can be up to 18 characters long. From this point onwards, the following program parts are only generated into the corresponding “FILE.AWL” if this term has been parameterized in the version management program. This version-dependent generation is performed until an ~end~ is reached. From this point,

“AWL” generation is continued until the next identification is reached.

A negated form of ~Version~ continues to be supported with the identifier ~!Version~ . Here, the statement part is omitted from the file to be generated if Version is used as a parameter for the program AWLVERS.EXE. The source file can be any length. Parameterizing program AWLVERS.EXE: 1st Parameter:

File name of the source file to be converted to an AWL file. The same file name is generated as the original file with the extension “AWL” if the third parameter is missing. The date entry corresponds to that of the source file. A file of the same name that already exists is verwritten without a prompt. 2nd Parameter:

Version identification (e.g. Turret1 or Turret2). Up to 32 different identifiers are possible. Each name is separated from the next by a comma (without a blank), e.g. gp840d,test. As an alternative to direct parameterization of the version name, a file name can be specified by a

preceding @ where the version names are stored in the same way as for direct parameterization. As an alternative, a line feed can be used instead of a comma to separate the names in the file. There is no rule about the use of upper and lower case letters. The version names are the key for generating the “AWL” file. These names are enclosed by a tilde character in the source file to be converted (see example below). 3rd Parameter (optional):

Original file name [with full path identifier]. Example:

Source file “example.src” in which the version identifiers mars, mips and mops are used. ~mars~ test1 test2 ~end~ neutral1 neutral2 ~mips~ test3 test4 ~end~ ~mops~ test5 test6 ~end~ ~!mars~

test7 test8 ~end~

Parameterization of the program: AWLVERS example.src mars,mips The following target file is generated: Example.awl test1 test2 neutral1 neutral2 test3 test4

3.子目录PLC_BP是PLC基本程序(使用根目录下的SETUP.EXE进行安装)。 4.子目录PLCALARM中存放的PLCALARM.ZIP是用户编写PLC文本的框架。(使用PCU20的用户可在此文件的基础上编写报警文本,之后通过串口电缆传入PLC20) 二.CERTIFICATE目录

该目录下存放的是安全集成功能认证的文本及样例。 三.COMPATIBILITY_LIST目录

目录下存放的Excel文件COMPATIBILITY_LIST_10_02_2004是关于810D/840D/HMI硬件/软件兼容性表格。请在订货前仔细阅读。 四.EXAMPLES_TOOLS目录 1. COMPA子目录

低版本系统升级,修改备份数据用工具 2. OP17子目录

使用OP17面板时,可用的OP17组态文件。 3. QFK.MPF子目录 过象限补偿用程序。 4. WIZARD.BSP

扩展用户接口(Expanding the Operator Interface)功能实例(包括HMI Advancedh和HMI Embedded的实例) 五.NCVAR目录

NC变量选择器软件。 六.S7HW目录

SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D Add-on for STEP 7

增加STEP7硬件列表中SINUMERIK 840D/810D 的硬件器件。安装过程中,硬件列表中的TYPE, GSD 和 Meta 文件将被升级

从Toolbox 06.03.03和STEP 7 版本5.1开始,可以在SIMATIC Manager中可直接创建PLC系列文档(series archive)。 七.SYMGEN目录

PLC Symbols Generator-PLC符号生成器(具体内容参看symbol_generator.doc),可不装
