What do we learn from this conversation?
What does the man mean?
What can be inferred from the conversation?
[A] The man regrets being absent-minded.
[B] The woman saved the man some trouble.
[C] The man placed the reading list on a desk.
[D] The woman emptied the waste paper basket.
M: I wish I hadn’t thrown away that reading list!
W: I thought you might regret it. That’s why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
【解析】事实状况题。选项中的the man,regret,trouble等词表明,对话内容与男士做错某件事有关。根据女士的话可知,她从垃圾筐里把男士丢掉的阅读目录捡起来了,因此避免了男士的麻烦,由此可知答案为[B]。
What will the man/woman most probably do?
What are the speakers probably going/trying to do?
What does the woman suggest doing?
行为活动类试题的对话中经常会包含提出请求或建议的句式或短语,如:Why don’t you…? What about…? Let’s…; You’d better…; If I were you, I would…; I’d like to…; You might as well…等,这此句式后面的内容有可能就是建议去做或准备去做的行为活动,很可能与答案直接相关,因此听音时需重点留意。
[A] To find out more about the topic for the seminar..
[B] To make a copy of the schedule for his friend.
[C] To get the seminar schedule for the woman.
[D] To pick up the woman from the library.
W: Do you have the seminar schedule with you? I’d like to find out the topic for Friday.
M: I gave it to my friend, bur there should be copies available in the library. I can pick one up for you.
Q: What does the man promise to do?
What does the woman/ man mean /imply?
How does the woman /man feel about...?
What does the woman/man think of…?
观点态度类试题的选项中一般都含有一些引出观点态度的动词或短语,常见的有:think, believe, find, guess, imagine, consider, as far as I know等。根据这类线索词判断出试题类型以后,可以更有针对地留意说话人对自己观点态度的陈述。
表示赞成:approve, agree, share, prefer, wise, reasonable, favorable
表示反对:disapprove, disagree, unwise, ridiculous, foolish, childish
表示赞赏:admire,appreciate,think much of, think highly of
表示喜欢:love, enjoy, wonderful,fascinating, funny, be fond of, be keen on
表示厌烦:dislike, bored/ boring, be tired of
表示关心:concerned, careful, care about
表示怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, initiated
表示害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous
表示批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic,find fault with
表示失望或灰心:disappointed, discouraged
表示后悔或遗憾:regret, regretful, pity, shame
表示漠然或热情:indifferent, detached, careless, enthusiastic
表示积极或消极:active, positive, negative
表示自信或自负:confident, arrogant, proud
表示乐观或悲观:optimistic, pessimistic
听音时应注意抓住一些表示因果、转折、比较或举例等逻辑关系的标识性的词语,如:but, instead, if, when, since, before, after, so 等,尤其是转折后的内容,往往表达作者的真实观点或态度,常为考查重点。
[A] The Edwards are quite well-off.
[B] The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.
[C] It'll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.
[D] It's too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.
W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.
M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay?
Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.
Q: What does the man imply?
【解析】观点态度题。本题是问男士暗示什么。选项中living expenses(生活开支和buy another house表明对话应与the Edwards的生活开支和购房计划有关。对话中男士用反问语气(should they be doing…?表示反对意见They shouldn't be doing…(≈It'll be unwise…to do…。
Where is the conversation most probably taking place?
Where are the two people?
诊所或医院(clinic or hospital 餐馆(restaurant
学校或校园(school or campus 书店(bookstore
火车站(railway station 机场(airport
图书馆(library 邮局(post office
银行(bank 旅馆(hotel
[A] At a clinic.
[B] In a supermarket.
[C] At a restaurant.
[D] In an ice-cream shop.
M: I’ll have the steak, French Fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice-cream for dessert.
W: Oh-oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
【解析】地点场景题。本题是问对话最可能发生在哪。由对话中steak, ice-cream, order等关键词即可推断出对话应该是发生在餐馆。
What are they talking about?
What are the speakers talking about?
[A] An art museum.
[B] A beautiful park.
[C] A college campus.
[D] An architectural exhibition.
W: Waa, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. It is really beautiful.
M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
【解析】谈论话题题。本题是问说话双方正在谈论什么。抓住女士话中的campus 即可确定他们谈论的是一所大学的校园。
What’s the woman’s job?
What most probably is Mary?
What is the probable relationship between the (two speakers?
What is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob?
教授(professor 秘书(secretary
医生(doctor 老板(boss
服务员(waiter/waitress 主人(host/hostess
修理工(repairer, plumber, electrician…
家庭角色(husband, wife, son, daughter, girlfriend…
夫妻(husband — wife 父子(father — son
母子(mother — son 师生(teacher — student
同学(schoolmate/ classmate 同事(colleague
老板与秘书(boss — secretary 雇主与雇员(employer — employee
医生与病人(doctor — patient 服务员与顾客(waiter/waitress—customer
主人与客人(host/hostess — guest 警察与司机(policeman — driver
管理员与借阅者(librarian — reader 房东与租房者(landlord/landlady — tenant
[A] Colleagues.
[B] Husband and wife.
[C] Employer and employee.
[D] Mother and son.
W: John, what are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?
M: This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
What time did Suzy leave home?
How much does one ticket cost?
When is the train leaving?
[A] At 10:30.
[B] At 10:25.
[C] At 10:40.
[D] At 10:45.
M: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever.
W: It’s 10:30 already. They’re supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.
Q: When is the train leaving?
[A] To go sightseeing.
[B] To have meetings.
[C] To promote a new champagne.
[D] To join in a training program.
M: Hi, Ann, welcome back. How’s your trip to the states?
W: Very busy, [19]I had a lot of meetings. …
19. Why did the woman go to New York?
选[B]。细节题。对话一开始,男士就问女士去美国的旅行怎么样,女士回答说很忙,她had a lot of meetings(要参加很多会议,由此可知女士去纽约是去参加会议。
[A] Data collection.
[B] Training consultancy.
[C] Corporate management.
[D] Information processing.
W: What’s your line of business, Mr. Johnson?
M: We are a training consultancy.
25. What is the man’s line of business?
选[B]。细节题。女士的提问即为本题的提问,答案就在男士接下来的回答中。女士问男士What’s your line of business(做哪一行,男士回答说We are a training consultancy(我们是培训咨询公司,由此可知答案为[B]。
[A]The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.
[B]The fall of Karnak’s capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.
[C]The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.
[D]The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak. 【边听边记】
W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live
up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan ...
M: …, rebel forces launched the bigges t offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.
M:…, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city center. Rebel forces are closing in, …
M: … this war-t orn country …, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.
22.What is the news coverage mainly about?
选[A]。主旨题。主旨题的答案往往在开头或结尾,而本题的答案即出自开头的第一句。选项中的latest(最新的对应该句中的live up-to-date(最新直播,armed rebellion(武装叛乱对应unrest(动乱。另外,对话的主题往往会得到多次重复,因此根据后面多次出现的rebel forces, conflict, war等与“叛乱”相关的词语,也可判断本题答案为[A]。
[A] Inadequate medical care.
[B] Continuing social unrest.
[C] Lack of food, water and shelter.
[D] Rapid spreading of the epidemic
W: … what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?
M: Well, since the beginning of the conflict, starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country.
25. What is the pressing concern of the citizens of Karnack?
选[C]。细节题。四个选项中只有[C]项内容在对话中出现,其他三项均未涉及到,故只要抓住对话中starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter或其部分内容,即可判断答案为[C]。starvation意为“饥饿”。
[A] Late in the morning.
[B] Early in the afternoon.
[C] Sometime before dawn.
[D] Shortly after sunrise. 【边听边记】
M: … Rebel forces are closing in, and it’s feared tha they will be able to take
the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.
24. At what time of day do you think this news report is being made?
选[C]。细节题。根据原文中…it’s feared that they will …before daybreak.可知,当时报道的时间应该是在before daybreak(黎明破晓前。dawn相当于daybreak。
如equal写成“=”; “≠”表示“unequal”;“↑”代表increase/up; “←”表示result
from/because/since/for/as;“→”代表lead to/result in/has become/turn into;“↓”表示decrease/drop/dip/fall;“≈”代表about/almost;>表示more than;<表示less than;“ +”代表include/cover;“-”则是exclude等。
能用数字或其他固定符号代表的词全部用阿拉伯数字或符号,这样既能节约时间,又能避免拼写错误,如:twenty写成20; nineteen eighty four记作1984; $=dollar; £=pound; 11 in the morning=11 am; 11 in the evening=11 pm等。
在平时的训练中也可以使用和创造一些符合自己习惯的缩略语和符号,如u可代表understand(ing; m可代表mean(ing; m=minute; s=second; h=hour;
imp.=important/importance; nec.=necessary等。
第一篇长对话采访一个退休人士(Simen退休后的生活。他退休后有更多的时间来陪伴家人,还可以在旅游淡季出行,生活颇为惬意。但是Simen并非完全停止工作,他加入了一个叫做“Phased Retirement(过渡性退休”的方案(scheme,半年休假(six-month break from work,剩余时间可以申请参与原工作单位的项目。该过渡性退休方案尚处于
试验(trial阶段, 公司会在网上给所需职位打广告,像Simen这样已退休的老员工都能接触到。岗位种类有管理工作(administrative work还有专业性工作(specialized work,Simen可以自由选择,以便管理自己的时间。这个方案同时还让公司拥有很大的灵活性(flexibility,所以它们才采取这种“过渡性退休”方案(adopt the phase retirement scheme.
虽然这篇长对话难度较大,但是只设置了三道题目,所以出题点并不是很多,只在首尾及中间分别布置了三个考点。因为这是一个访谈类的节目,所以听力的线索在于woman speaker的提问。她总共提问了5个问题,考题设在第一、第三和第五个问题上。考题的第一个问题是为什么Simen退休后的生活惬意,答案在开头,他有更多的时间陪伴家人和旅游。第二个问题出现在长对话的中间部分,关于Simen如何知道公司的空缺岗位,答案是在网站上发布(advertise posts on the website。第三个问题是公司采取过渡性退休方案的原因,重点听懂对话最后一个小结(The company gets flexibility, too.就好了。
根据对出题点及答案分布的分析可见,虽然第一篇长对话话题较为生僻,但如果考生能把握访谈类对话听力的线索以及长对话开头、结尾和中间出题的规律,是不难回答这三个问题的。在此特别强调长对话听力的线索把握,长对话话题转折处必出考题,准确把握“转折点”才不会在考场上lose yourself.
第二篇长对话属于生活场景,所以用词简单随意,每个speaker 的发言也较为简短。考题设置了四道,在很大程度上给广大考生送分了,大大得弥补了第一篇的缺憾。对话内容是man speaker带领woman speaker去看将要购置的农场(farm,两人共同设想对于farm的安排,如种植蔬菜; woman speaker担心资金问题,感觉像
在做梦一般(It seems like a dream,但man speaker安慰她已经攒够了钱。问题设置浅显易懂,答案比较容易把握。
两篇长对话语速正常,连读较少且不明显,所以如果考生听不懂,问题主要出在话题本身和单词的掌握上。建议09年6月的考生可以适当关注社会上发生的各种话题,扩大自己的知识面,掌握一部分社会术语(social jargon, 如“过渡性退休”(phased retirement,一次性塑料袋(disposable plastic bags, 0812四级作文考题等。同时再次强调词汇量对于广大四级考生的重要性。单词的音形义要全面掌握,派生单词及词组力求一网打尽, 才能更好得备战听力考试。
【例1】(710分样卷Conversation One
19. [A]To interview a few job applicants.
[B]To fill a vacancy in the company.
[C] To advertise for a junior sales manager.
[D] To apply for a job in a major newspaper.
20. [A]A hard working ambitious young man.
[B]A young man good at managing his time.
[C]A college graduate with practical working experience.
[D]A young man with his own idea of what is important.
21. [A]Not clearly specified.
[B]Not likely to be met.
[C]Reasonable enough.
[D]Apparently sexist.
预览三道题各选项,由19题中的interview, applicants, vacancy, advertise for a manager, apply for a job等词语可以推测对话与刊登招聘广告或应聘工作有关。而20题中hardworking, ambitious, good at managing his time, with practical working experience, with his own idea等词语则表明对话中还涉及到对所招聘人员的要求。
【例2】(新06-12- -20
[A] File a lawsuit against the man.
[B] Ask the man for compensation.
[C] Have the man’s apple tree cut down.
[D] Throw garbage into the man’s yard.
W: G et the branches off my property or I’ll have to sue you.
M: Yeah? For what?! You’re taking those law classes too seriously! I’ve gotta go, I have to pick up my son.
21. What did the woman threaten to do?
[A]To interview a few job applicants.
[B]To fill a vacancy in the company.
[C] To advertise for a junior sales manager.
[D] To apply for a job in a major newspaper.
选项均为不定式短语,故本题应该是考查某人将要采取的行动。[ A ]、[ C ]是关于招聘工作(interview, advertise,[ B ]、[ D]则是关于申请工作(fill, apply for,故听音时应留意该行为是关于招聘还是应聘。
M: Morning, Brenda.
W: Good morning, Mr. Browning.
M: Er, did you, did you put that ad in yesterday?
W: Yes, yesterday afternoon.
M: The ad for a junior sales manager, I mean.
19. What did Mr. Browning ask Brenda to do?
如果选项中含有should, had better, would like等一类的词语,问题很可能是考查“观点或建议”。
[A] Accurate communication is of utmost importance.
[B] Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages.
[C] Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather.
[D] Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential.
M: Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a really bad mistake. Many people died as a result of the simple misunderstanding.
W: Wow, that’s a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other.
25. What lesson could be drawn from the accident?
如果选项中含有think, like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是关于对某人或某事物的评价或感受。
[A]Not clearly specified.
[B]Not likely to be met.
[C]Reasonable enough.
[D]Apparently sexist.
四个选项中均含有表示评论的词语(specified, reasonable等,故问题很可能是关于某人对某事物的看法。
W: Yes, erm, what sort of education are you actually looking for?
M: Well, you know, a couple of A levels. Must have English, of course.
W: Yes, I think you’re asking quite a lot. I mean you’re not really prepared to pay all ...
M: No, I’m not prepared to give him a big salary to start with. Nevertheless, I want someone with plenty of ambition, plenty of drive. You know, not looking at the clock all the time.
W: Well sir, I wish you the best of luck and hope you have some very successful interviews.
M: Well, yes?
W: Because personally I think you’re asking an awful lot.
21. What does Brenda think of the qualifications Mr. Browning insists on?
[A] Their competitors have long been advertising on TV.
[B]TV commercials are less expensive.
[C] Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient.
[D] TV commercials attract more investments.【听前预测】
由选项中的advertising on TV,advertising in newspapers以及比较级less expensive, attact more可知本题很可能涉及到电视广告和报纸广告之间优劣的比较。故听音时应留意比较级或其他陈述二者优劣特点的词句。
W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.
M: TV? Isn't that a bit too expensive for us? What's wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?
W: Quite frankly, it's just not enough anymore.
22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?
[A]The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.
[B]The fall of Karnak’s capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.
[C]The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.
[D]The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.
选项均为名词短语,且概括性均较强,故本题很可能考查对话的主旨。由armed rebellion,the rebel forces,peace talks between the rebels and the government等词以及多次出现的Karnak可推知本对话很可能与Karnak国反政府武装叛乱有关。
W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live
up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan ...
M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18- month conflict here in this country.
22.What is the news coverage mainly about?
七、与对话主题或其余选项内容不同的选项往往不是答案 如果某一选项明显与对话主题不相关,那么该选项往往不是答案。 如果某一选项明显与其他三个选项内容不同, 即与该题主题明显不相关的选项往 往不是答案。 【例 8】(新 06-12- 19 【预览选项】 19. [A] He picked up some apples in his yard. [B] He cut some branches off the apple tree. [C] He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence. [D] He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman’s yard. 20. [A] Trim the apple trees in her yard. [B] Pick up the apples that fell in her yard. [C] Take the garbage to the curb for her. [D] Remove the branches from her yard. 21. [A] File a lawsuit against the man. [B] Ask the man for compensation. [C] Have the man’s apple tree cut down. [D] Throw garbage into the man’s yard. 22. [A] He was ready to make a concession. [B] He was not prepared to go to court. [C] He was not intimidated. [D] He was a bit concerned. 【听前预测】 由各选项中的 apple, tree, yard, branches, trim(修剪等词可推知对话主题应该 与苹果树枝条和院子有关,再根据选项中出现的 quarreled, lawsuit(诉讼, compensation(赔偿, concession(让步, court(法庭等词可推知对话还可能涉及到对 话双方的争吵。 21
19 题各选项中谓语动词的过去式形式表明本题应该是考查男士过去的活动。 [A]、 [B]、[C]均与苹果树和院子有关,只有[C]是关于 fence(栅栏,与其他三项内容差别较 大,且与其他各题选项内容均不相关,故[C]为答案的可能性较小。 【听音验证】 W: Hello, Patrick, is that you? M: Yeah, Jane, what can I do for you? W: I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday. M: That was hard work! ……【答案解析】 19. What did the man do yesterday? 【解析】选[B]。由女士话中的 the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday 可知男士昨天给苹果树剪枝
了。trim 意为“修剪,修整”。 八、包含其他选项内容的选项往往不是答案 有的选项明显包含其他选项的含义,那么该选项往往不是答案。 【例 9】(托福 【预览选项】 [A] She was impressed by it. [B] It was a waste of money. [C] She was amazed it had opened so soon. [D] She didn’t like it as much as the other wings.【听前预测】 由选项中的 impressed, a waste of money, amazed, like 等可推知本题是针对 对某事物的看法设题的。选项[A]说“it”给她留下了深刻印象,选项[C]说她对“it”这么快 就开张(或开放感到吃惊,其含义包含[A]的含义在内,故[C]很可能不是答案。 【听音验证】 M: Hey, how was your trip? W: Wonderful. I spent most of my time at the art museum. I especially liked the new wing. I was amazed to hear the guide explain all the problems they had building it. 22
……【答案解析】 34.What did the woman think of the new wing of the museum? 【解析】 选[A]。细节题。由对话中出现的 amazed, unusual, impressive 等可 知女士对美术馆新侧厅的修建费用以及修建过程中的种种问题大感吃惊, 并且对里面 的设计印象非常深刻,故答案为[A]。 九、明显不符常理的选项往往不是答案 有的选项明显不符合该对话情景下的常识或常理,那么该选项往往也不是答案。 【例 10】(新 06-12-25 【预览选项】 [A] Accurate communication is of utmost importance. [B] Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages. [C] Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather. [D] Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential. 【听前预测】 由选项中的 should 可推知,本题应该是考查观点或建议。选项内容表明问题应 该与确保安全飞行的因素有关。[B]是说飞行员应该会说几门外语,这不大合乎常理, 因为飞国内行线的飞行员并不一定要会好几门外语,故[B]为答案的可能性较小。 【听音验证】 … M: Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a really
bad mistake. Many people died as a result of the simple misunderstanding. W: Wow, that’s a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other.【答案解析】 25. What lesson could be drawn from the accident? 【解析】选[A]。对话的最后女士总结了这次事故的教训:how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other,答案是对此的同义转述。utmost 意为“极 大的”。 十、意思相近的选项往往都不是答案 23
如果有两个选项意思明显相近,那么这两个选项往往都不是答案。 【例 11】(新 06-12-22 【预览选项】 [A] He was ready to make a concession. [B] He was not prepared to go to court. [C] He was not intimidated. [D] He was a bit concerned. 【听前预测】 由选项中的 concession(让步,go to court, intimidate(威胁, concerned(担心 等词可推测问题应该与男士对某事的反应有关。[A]是说他准备让步,[B]是说他不准 备上法庭,二者都表示男士要“妥协退让”的含义,故很可能都不是答案。 【听音验证】 … M: Get the branches off my property or I’ll have to sue you. M: Yeah? For what?! … W: You’ll be hearing from me. M: Yeah, yeah. See you in court, Jane. 【答案解析】 22. What was the man’s reaction to the woman’s threat? 【解析】 选[C]。 女士说让男士等着收法庭的传票(hear from me, 男士的回答“Yeah, yeah. See you in court(法庭见”表明他根本 not intimidated(不怕威胁。 24