




Steven wants to improve his handwriting, but finds it's very hard to make it better, so he is complaining it to Julia.


Steven: I want to improve my handwriting, and I've practiced it for several weeks, but nothing happened. You see, my handwriting is still bad.


Julia: Oh, come on. You know it's a long process, you have to be patient.

茱莉娅:噢,振作点儿!练字是一个长期的过程,你必须耐心。 Steven: I know it, but I don't know when I can make it better. 史蒂文:我知道,但是我究竟什么时候才能练好呢?

Julia: Steven, whatever you do, the most important is perseverance. So you have to hang on there, the longer, the better. Then some day, you will find you've already made a lot of progress.


Steven: Yeah, you are right. I must stop complaining and stick

to it every day.

史蒂文:嗯,你说得对。我必须停止抱怨,每天坚持练习。 Julia: Yeah! Where there is a will, there is a way. 茱莉娅:是啊!有志者事竟成! 关于简单的英语对话短文带翻译2

10.frugality Dialogue 10.节俭 对话

Steven is a wealthy man, but he is very economical.And Jack can't understand it and asks him thereason.


Jack: Hey. Steven. You have a large chunk ofmoney, but why do you still live in the old flat,instead of buying a new villa?


Steven: I like to live here and enjoy my neighbors' company. And I don't think I should wastemoney just because I have much of it.


Jack: But I found you always hate to part with your money. Look at the car you drive; it's sucha junker!


Steven: Oh, the car is old but still in good condition. I just think we should be thrifty, whetheryou are rich or not.


Jack: But...But... 杰克:可是……可是……

Steven: But what? Just remember that thrift is not only a great virtue, but also a greatrevenue.

史蒂文:可是什么?记住,节俭不仅是一大美德,而且是一大财源。 Jack: Maybe you are right. 杰克:也许你说得对! 关于简单的英语对话短文带翻译3

Steven read some news about war, so he is talkingabout it with his colleague John...


Steven: Hey, John! What do you think are the maincauses of war today?

史蒂文:嘿,约翰!你认为如今引起战争的主要原因有哪些? John: It's hard to say! But it seems that a lot of wars nowadays are civil wars. People fromdifferent ethnic groups in the same country sometimes fight for power in that country.


Steven: Yeah, several of those civil wars have been going on for years and years. It seems theywill never end.


John: How do you think they could be ended? 约翰:你觉得怎样才能停止战争?

Steven: I don't think that there is any easy way. 史蒂文:我不认为有什么简单的方法能让他们停战。

John: I think one better way to stop it is to cut off their financial support.


Steven: Yeah, you are right! 史蒂文:嗯,你说得对!
