A Chinese graduate's record-setting $8,888,888 donation to his school at Yale University has stirred wide debate at home. While some say it's up to Zhang Lei to do as he likes, others question why he didn't donate to his alma mater in Beijing. 这笔捐款主要用于筹建新的管理学院校区,另外一部分作为奖学金,提供给“杰克逊全球事务学院”国际关系计划项目,以及资助耶鲁各种和中国有关的活动。
The donation will primarily help build the new SOM campus, while a portion will provide scholarship support for the International Relations Program at Yale's new Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, as well as fund a variety of China-related activities at the university.
Opinions at home have been split in online forums since the story broke a few days ago. On pinggu.org, a forum run by Renmin University of China where Zhang was enrolled as a student of International Finance in 1989, netizens including alumni of the university have taken sides.
一些人质疑到,从耶鲁大学毕业还不到十年,为什么张磊要捐款给外籍学校而非自己的中国母校呢。但也有更多的网友声援张磊此举,并表示中国高校的管理方面还有待进步。 Some asked why Zhang, who graduated from Yale less than 10 years ago, chose an overseas institution rather than his Chinese university for the donation. But a larger group of online users voiced support for Zhang's move and said there is still room for improvement regarding management of universities in China. 一位著名分析学家呼吁人们对此事要宽容一些。
A prominent analyst urged people to be more tolerant toward the donation. “我们应当从国际化的角度看待此事,”中国改革发展研究院院长迟福林教授说。他表示尽管这笔款项的接受方为耶鲁大学,但是这笔捐款也会使中国收益。
\"We should look at this news from an international standpoint,\" said Chi Fulin, professor and president of China Institute for Development and Reform. Chi said although Yale is the recipient of the fund, the donation will also benefit China. “利用这笔款项可以发起更多的中美交流计划,会有更多中国人加入到这些交流活动中去。”他表示,中国也曾接收到来自外籍捐赠者的众多援助以及资金支持,张磊此举应当受到“尊重,理解以及鼓励”。
\"It will promote more Sino-US exchange programs, and more Chinese will be involved in these exchanges.\" He said that China also has received a lot of support and funding from overseas donors, and Zhang's move should be regarded with \"respect, understanding and encouragement\".
在中美文化及学术交流活动中,美国政府所提供的财力支持相当有限;大部分的资金来自非政府组织。“未来,中国也要试着通过这种渠道来吸引更多的捐款,”他说。 In terms of cultural and educational exchanges between China and the United States, financial aid provided by the US government is rather limited, and a larger part of it comes from non-government organizations. \"China should also try to attract more donations through such channels in the future,\" he said.
耶鲁大学官方网站表示,这位管理学院毕业生1972年生人,出生地位于中国中部地区。17岁那年,他从10多万考生中间脱颖而出,成为高考状元;并最终被人民大学录取。 According to Yale's website, the SOM graduate was born in Central China in 1972. At the age of 17 he scored the highest in the university entrance exam out of about 100,000 students in his province before being enrolled by Renmin University. 张磊表示耶鲁改变了他的一生,并教会了如何给予。在个人简介中他写到:“耶鲁帮助中国的历史已有100多年了,很多中国领导人曾在耶鲁受过教育。但在很长一段时间以来,这种互助的关系都是单向的,所以我极想改变这一点。”
Zhang said Yale changed his life and taught him the spirit of giving. In his profile he wrote: \"Yale has been helping China for more than 100 years. Many Chinese leaders were educated at Yale. But the relationship has been one-way for too long and I want to help change that.\"
张磊于2002年毕业于耶鲁管理学院,曾就职于耶鲁投资办公室。2005年张磊创办了高瓴资本管理有限公司,作为一家北京本土的投资基金公司,其总资产已达25亿元。 Zhang, who graduated from the Yale School of Management in 2002, worked for the Yale Investments Office. In 2005, Zhang founded Hillhouse Capital Management Ltd, a Beijing-based investment fund that manages $2.5 billion. 相关词汇
alumni 毕业生,校友 alma mater 母校
donation 捐款 donor 捐赠者 recipient 接受者 split 分裂 stir 激发