采购申请表Purchase Requisition Form办公地点:Office项目号/品名S/NItemNo/Type1申请部门:Request规格/用途说明/其它要求Specification/Purpose 数量Q’ty申请人:Requestor厂商AVendorA 单 价Unit Price厂商BVendorB申请日期:Request Date 单 价Unit Price厂商CVendorC 单 价Unit Price4-Apr-13 小 计Sub-Total¥0.00234567类型Type: 生产辅材Accessory Materials 生产设备&零件Facility & Parts 印刷及文具Printing & Stationery 服务Service 生产耗材&包材Consumable & Packing Materials 其它Others:选择厂商(Choose): A备注(Remark): A is the cheapest one.厂商提供: 测试报告Test report 使用手册Manual 其它Others:说明需求原因Summary of demandsFor the new HR employee who will join Sefar on July.部 门 经 理Approved by DeptHead财 务 经 理Authorize byFinance Manager总价Total price: RMB总 经 理Authorizeby GM¥0.00采 购Buyer审 核Check & Verified By说明Instruction: 1.所有采购申请表必须经批准后才可购买. Once it is approved, then a purchase can beexecuted. 2.凡单项采购申请超过RMB5,000元,需由总经理批准. The among of expense which exceedRMB5, 000 must be approved by GM. 3.财务部将保留申请原件以备付款. Finance will retain original copy for各分公司/办事处 Rep office:1.填写此申请并以电子邮件形式发送给苏州总公司.Prepare the form and email toAccountant.2.苏州总公司会计打印此申请单后交有关经理批准.Accountant will print and submitthe form to manager to approve.3.会计将批准后的采购申请单回传至分公司/办事处. Accountant will fax the signedcopy back to rep officd:\\iknow\\docshare\\data\\cur_work\\93408500.xlsxPage: 1of1