

2023-09-23 来源:一二三四网
【0‘刊 】:Electl・ic Motm-with Perlnanent Magnet Excitation 一1 and Rotor Cooling( 水磁j劬磁祠J J } 上1.1Il f l 动1J1) 【 ‘利I, 】:US7816824B2 【 …人 1:And]’ ̄as.1Ocke 【I…I I J !}』】】:2006—06一()8 【公J1:}1 】:2010一l0一l9 【 IJtJ】 【摘峻】 怂 The invention relates to an electric motor(1)with j pelnlanent magnet excitation comprising a stator(2),a roto1‘(:{) COlllpl‘ising a hollow shaft(1 3)Oil which the perlnanent magilets(9) al e positioned.The hollow shaft(1 3)is sealed tight against all output shaft(7)at least at the end lhces thet’eof and a suitable coolant is pt‘ovided in the enclosed cavity(1 41 which,during operation of the electric l1]Ot()r ’aporates fronl the rehlti\e1y hot hollow shaft in the region of the relatix ely cold output shaft(7)such as to introduce a I_adial and axial heat transpo1.t 【0‘ IJ 韵 1:Axial GapType Motor(t l璩型}乜动机) 【 利 j‘】:US7821 169B2 【技t 人1:Toru Okazaki:Shingo Ohashi;Hidehiko Sugitonao:Toshio Takeda 【I… H驯】:2005—12.16 【公 }{驯】:20l0一l【)一 6 【【目剔】:H奉 【摘 1:A series coupling synchronous axial gap type 1110101’whel’e rotors and stators al’e alternately stacked with required air gaps in the axial direction of a rotary shaft as a 111ain shaft.iS provided.The rotors are fixed to the rotal’Y and the stators al‘c disposed such that they cannot be interlocked with the rotary shaft.A phlrality ot、rotary ield bodiesf are attached to each of the roto!‘al’ound the axis and a plurality of armature coils are made to lhce tile rotary field bodies with an air gap therefiom and are attached to each of the stators around the axis such that thei r magnetic—flux dil‘ections al’e directed toward tile axial direction.The al’mature coils have 811 empty core.or a CO1’e tnelnber composed of a magnetic body attached thereto P32 
